Providing the first ever 6m contacts
to the United States from FH last fall is a tough
act to follow! I have tried for some time to
activate ZD9 on 6m EME, but was told at the end of
2022 that my berth from Capetown to Tristan da
Cunha had to be re-assigned to a government
contractor who had been delayed due to the
previous Pandemic travel restrictions. I have been
placed high on the waiting list to travel to ZD9
in September, 2024; we will see if it works
out next time. In the meantime, for 2023, I
selected 3B9 as a backup 6m EME DXpedition
destination. Until recently, 3B9 also had never
been contacted before on 6m from the United
States, but 3B9FR is doing a great job on TEP and
F2 ;-) So I will focus on activating 3B9 on 6m EME
to contact stations who cannot take advantage of
the ionospheric propagation to 3B9. In order to provide sufficient advance
planning for stations wishing to contact me
while I am in 3B9, I am providing plenty of
advance notice of this DXpedition. As you know, a
good location can mean everything to the success
of one of these DXpeditions. Ideally, the site
must be quiet, provide enough open space to erect
and operate the large antenna and - especially
from a location as distant from potential contacts
as 3B9 - must provide a good view of the moon
rising and setting out over the ocean. I searched
for months for a suitable QTH in 3B9, and think I
finally found one that will provide capability for
good EME and terrestrial success. The location on
Rodrigues is shown on the Google Earth map above.
The other maps show where in the
world this remote place is located. I hope
you will make the effort to look for me! ![]() LOGISTICS
As you can see
from reviewing the results from my previous 6m EME
DXpeditions, many contacts were made with single
yagi horizon-only stations. The smallest
station contacted from all the DXCC so far was
N3CXV with his single 6M5X yagi. If you have
a good yagi, good ground gain, a quiet QTH, good
power and lots of patience, we should be able to
complete! This is especially true in
the many situations in which we should both have
ground gain at the same time! A complete
description of all the equipment being used on
this DXpedition can be found here.
My tentative
operating schedule as an Excel spreadsheet
is here,
and in pdf format is here.
The 3B9 local time is 4 hours ahead of
UTC. On the
operating schedule, I have indicated
times when the elevation is over 55
degrees by marking those cells in
red. If possible, I will try
to remain QRV when the moon is high
and elevate as high as I can,
especially during the days of lowest
Degradation. However, if
nobody seems to be around, I may
choose to go QRT if nobody shows up
during those periods, or if I have
already worked stations whose moon
is on the horizon during those
periods. Please check on the
ON4KST EME CHAT page for updates
regarding my activity during such
periods. Please
just keep watch on 50.190 and I
will try to stick to the
published schedule as closely as
I can.
If you copy me, please spot me on the DX Cluster so people will know the correct grid locator, as well as the frequency and my status. I will diligently try to be QRV during all my moonrises and moonsets as published on the operating schedule. The antenna should have a good view at a height of 240' over the ocean, and it will soon become clear after a few moonrises which elevations are best for my ground gain lobes. Please watch the ON4KST EME page and/or the DX Cluster for updates on what people are copying and when. Please keep calling me even if you copy me working someone else. As long as you are not on the same frequency as the other station, you will not be interfering with them. Please coordinate your calling frequency with others on the ON4KST EME chat page to prevent interfering with each other - ideally, stations should be spread out every 100 Hz. I will be using Q65-60A in the "Q65 Pileup" mode in the most recent version of WSJT-X. This averages callers on their particular offset frequencies, so NEVER change your transmit frequency after you start calling - pick a clear frequency nobody else is using and stay on it! I will try to contact any callers I can copy, but first priority will be given to people who are copying at that particular time, contributors, and stations with shorter common moon windows. Because of my location in the Indian Ocean, the only possibility for ground gain with NA is when the moon is rising or setting for one or both of us. I expect to have many callers from horizon-only stations in NA as the moon rises across the continent. Depending on your location, I may also have ground gain during my moonset as your moon rises. Let's make some real magic! CONTACT INFORMATION
explained above, I expect to be able to send
out daily updates to the MAGIC BAND EME email
group and revise this website daily with a
list of the stations worked. Please
watch the MAGIC BAND EME email list for
updated information. Please also share
any updates with others on the ON4KST EME CHAT
page. If there is some question
regarding a contact, please DO call
again. However, once
you have confirmed a contact with me, please
do not call for a second contact - some of the
common moon windows are very
limited, and many stations are expected to be
no eQSL or other newfangled ways of confirmation.
I will upload all contacts to LOTW. I also
will be printing photo QSL cards. Please QSL
DIRECT with SASE (foreign stations include
a current IRC or $2 USD for postage) direct to:
Lance Collister, W7GJ P.O.Box 73 Frenchtown, MT 59834-0073 USA If we have completed an EME contact, I am happy to QSL direct to you free. However, I will very much appreciate receiving a self addressed envelope to relieve some of the burden of looking up all your addresses on QRZ.com. FREQUENCY, MODE AND SEQUENCE For EME, I
plan to operate on 50.190, where I run 6m EME
skeds when I am at home.
I will always transmit in the first sequence
Q65-60A using "Q65 Pileup"
mode. Please call me using either
Q65-Pileup or NA VHF Contest Mode from
the most recent version of WSJT-X.
Please DO NOT
call me using any other modes. I
will not be sending signal reports - in
NA Contest Mode, only the grids are
exchanged! So if you want to get in the
log, make sure to spread the word to get
on WSJT-X and operate in NA VHF CONTEST
mode, which is the most sensitive for me
to decode with Q65 Pileup mode on my
end, and also results in faster
contacts. And
this will NOT work well with
compound callsigns!!
That is why I have applied for a real
3B9 callsign and I suggest that you just
send me your callsign and grid, even if
you are operating portable. Do NOT call
me with a /P or /R or /# after your
callsign - your grid will show where you
Here is the link to download the most recent version of WSJT-X: https://wsjt.sourceforge.io/wsjtx.html Here is my step-by-step checklist to setting up Q65-60A for success on EME: http://www.bigskyspaces.com/w7gj/Q65SETUP.pdf And here is a more detailed explanation of the DXpedition procedure I am using: http://www.bigskyspaces.com/w7gj/DXpedition%20Procedure%20with%20Q65.pdf Remember, PLEASE, DO NOT USE A SINGLE RR73 to try to complete a contact with me! Change your messages so you send RRR instead, for as long as it is needed! (Just double click on message # 4 to toggle back and forth between RR73 and RRR). Please check the ON4KST EME CHAT page for news from other hams in case I have to change this frequency due to receiver birdies at my end ! It is very inconvenient for me to switch modes while I am calling CQ or working EME stations, so please do not call me on CW or SSB or FT8 and expect me to switch over to answer you. If you should copy me on some ionospheric mode while I am pointed at the moon and am calling CQ on Q65-60A mode, please answer me in that mode and let's make a quick contact! Please do NOT call me on anything other than EME unless I am calling CQ! Please only contact me once! Do NOT interrupt me if I have already contacted you before! When I am not aimed up at the moon, I very well may be on SSB or FT8 mode. For FT8, I will be using the most recent version of WSJT-X on 50.313 MHz. If signals are strong and there are many callers, I may switch to FT4 on 50.318. CONTRIBUTIONS It is extremely
expensive to haul a 6m EME station halfway around
the world to this location.Too many times, we hear DXpedition
stations say they can't take a 6m beam and/or amp
because "they are already overweight and cannot
afford the excess baggage fees". If you want
to do a good job and are committed to going
halfway around the world to succeed, this
unfortunately is a large part of the necessary
expense. Although I always keep my costs as
low as possible, my travel, excess baggage and
lodging costs alone will be over $7000.
Therefore, any contributions toward the DXpedition
are greatly appreciated! If you
would like to contribute, please send your
contribution by check or cash to my QRZ.com
mailing address, or directly via PayPal using the
my email
address, which is my current PayPal
account. I am only able to do these long distance
6m EME DXpeditions every year because of the
continued support from the 6m community and I am
extremely indebted to you for your continued
support. I have the time and equipment to go
more often than once a year to new rare DXCC, but
I just don't have the finances available.
Many thanks to the following hams who have already
very generously contributed to this DXpedition:
MNI MNI TNX for your continued support!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() PHOTOS AND UPDATES |
EF0609GJ Yagi installed on the M2 24' high Portable Mast in Terre Rouge, Rordigues Island. Yagi mount was the W7GJ Hinged Mount. Elevation and Azimuth was manually set through use of the 4 nylon steering lines attached to the yagi as shown in the photo below. Feedline was 50' of LMR-600 Ultra Flex coaxial cable. Preamplifier was ARR into an Airspy R2 SDR receiver. used with SDR Console software to feed audio to WSJT-X Improved using a Virtual Audio Cable. Transmitter was an ELAD FDM-DUO SDR transceiver putting out 3 watts to drive a DX Shop Custom DXpedition solid state amplifier. View in the photo below is looking toward the northeast with the yagi in stowed position pointing with the prevailing winds from the southeast. ![]() |
Final Moonrise September 7, 2023 (Look how strong some of those stations were!) ![]() |
I met several times with Robert, 3B9FR, and answered a number of questions from him regarding EME and 6m propagation. He is very enthusiastic about 6m and how easy it is from the TEP Zone to be successful even with low power. He is currently using a 6 element quad with less than ideal feedline. However, as he has demonstrated over the last year, he is more than capable of successfully working strong signal 6m modes such as TEP and F2. He has a particularly good shot toward the west, with a horizon view of the ocean, as shown in the photos below. ![]() ![]() I left him with a Mirage KP-1/6 RF switched preamplifier for 6m, along with UHF to N coaxial cable adapter connectors and a cable, so he can connect the preamp to his system. I also provided him a 12 VDC cable connector to allow powering the preamplifier from a separate little "wall wart" power supply so he would not blow up the transistor with transient voltage spikes generated by the transceiver connected the main 12 VDC power supply. Although the Mirage KP-1/6 preamp is RF switched and hard PTT keying for transmit mode is optional, I left him with a 12 VDC PTT relay box and cables so he could power that box from a computer USB port when/if he needs to key the preamp and/or other devices (such as coaxial relays, an amplifier, an SDR switch, etc.) for transmit in the future. My experience operating at 3B9 suggested to me that the high noise level there is primarily due to LED lights, which is not reduced by an SDR receiver or wide band noise blanker. For that reason, and the fact that he had no coaxial relays or any way to incorporate an SDR receiver into this station operation, and the fact that his old computer was already challenged in running the digital communication programs, I did not leave him with an SDR or load up SDR-Console on his computer. |
In summary, the 6m EME DXpedition has to be
considered a success for completing with 78 stations on 6m
EME. All the equipment arrived with us and
everything worked properly. Normally during a 6m EME
DXpedition to a rare DXCC, I expect to work over 100
stations, but I lost a moonset as well as a number of
hours of elevated operation because of the unusually
strong winds during the first week of the operation. Also,
since many of the European stations had already worked
3B9FR on 6m, there was less demand for that DXCC from that
part of the world. Although 6m EME was the prime objective during this trip, there were a few instances when it was convenient to check for TEP propagation, and 21 stations were worked on FT8. |
Following are the logged contacts during
the 3B9GJ 6m EME DXpedition #
(1) Q65 DIRECT GROUND WAVE 1 3B9FR MH10RH 29 August 2023 (76) Q65 EME CONTACTS 1 JG1TSG QM05AC 29 August 2023 2 JA7QVI QM08KA 3 ZL1RS RF64 4 ZS4TX KG30BV 5 ZS6NK KG46RC 6 G8BCG IO70RK 7 PJ4MM FK52VE 8 VK3DUT QF32VF 9 JO1PSX QM05AS 30 August 2023 10 JA9SJI PM86QQ 11 VK5PJ PF95MK 12 KJ9I EN53QB 31 August 2023 13 W5WP EM00IH 14 K2ZD FN21NR 15 W9GA EN53 16 K9RX EM84 17 W0GJ EN43 18 WB9Z EN60 19 VK2XN QF59AR 20 S57RR JN65UM 21 OH7KM KP11VJ 22 ZL3NW RE66HO 23 N3XX EM73WL 1 September 2023 24 K4PI EM73OQ 25 S59A JN76 26 W9JN EN54 27 NV9L EN60BR 28 N9IW EN65KF 29 N8RR EM98CG 30 XE2OR DL98OK 31 N5DG EM20AB 32 W8IW EM98FJ 2 September 2023 33 W8PAT EN81VG 34 N7NW CN87QF 35 NU4E EM84 3 September 2023 36 N8DX EM98CG 37 N1DG FN42PA 38 W8UV EM98 39 PY2XB GG66PI 40 N7NR DM52LL 41 K5XI DM09EI 42 JE3GRQ PM75SR 43 OH3SR KP21CL 44 SM7FJE JO65VU 46 K8CX EN91RF 4 September 2023 47 KA9CFD EN40OM 48 K9CT EN50BQ 49 W3UUM EL29PW 50 K5RK EL29IH 51 NJ6D DM42 52 W6XU CM88MJ 53 K6EME DM06DK 54 WW2DX DM09 55 N7IP CN85 56 PC5C JO33EE 57 PA5Y JO21VO 58 IW5DHN JN53GI 59 F1IXQ IN96GQ 60 AA7A DM52DR 5 September 2023 61 W6UC DM05II 62 K6QXY CM88QL 63 W7GJ DN27UB 64 AJ7LL DN27TB 65 NJ6P DM05 66 KB7Q DN27 67 K7KX DM05 69 KL7HBK BO49ET 69 WW1L FN54OM 6 September 2023 70 K1SIX FN43AD 71 WA5VGI DM05 72 ES6RQ KO28WA 73 OG2M KP20JG 74 HA8FK KN06IF 75 N4BAA EM79HU 7 September 2023 76 OH2BC KP30TX (19) FT8 TEP PLUS (2) GROUND WAVE CONTACTS 1 BA7NQ OL63NA 1 September 2023 2 BG8SRK OL05 3 BG8SRK OL05 4 BA5CJ PL07 5 BH7ACO OL68 2 September 2023 6 JR1LZK QM06FI 7 BH4SPN PM01 8 BA4SI PM01HD 9 JN1JFC QM06AD 10 BH7ACO OL67 11 9K2GS LL39XG 12 4X6ZK 13 4X6ZK 14 SV5/SV1LK 15 SV5DKL 16 4Z1TL 17 9K2GR LL49 18 4X6YA 19 3B9FR MH10QH 20 YO4RYU/MM MH22 21 BH7ACO OL67 4 September 2023 |